Sachin Sulkunte


University of Maryland at College Park
- B.S. Computer Engineering 2024
- Minor in Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- Cybersecurity Honors Program

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Contact Me:
C: (301) 605-0719

Project Portfolio

Thanks for checking out my personal website! I am a Computer Engineering student passionate about robotics and autonomous technology. I am actively looking for roles beginning after my graduation in December 2024. Please feel free to reach out directly if you think I might be a good fit for your company.

My Work Experience: Resume

Current Projects

VR-Controlled 6DOF Robotic Manipulator

Quadruped Training Sim -> Real

AR Wearable Device


Autonomous Mobile Robot - SLAM, Visual Odometry, ROS

SLAM Implementation - Visual and LIDAR

UR3 Simulations + Control (ROS + Gazebo)

Path Planning - RRT (Rapidly Exploring Random Tree) Algorithm

Low-Level Robot Programming

Internship at National Institute of Standards and Technology

Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence

Internship at Praxis Engineering (General Dynamics IT)

Covid-19 Chatbot + Mask Detector

Gesture-Based Controller for Computers

Embedded Systems

UMDLoop: Micro Tunnel Boring Machine

NVIDIA Jetson Nano / Arduino / Raspberry Pi / STM32 Microcontrollers

TI-MSP432 Microcontroller

Web Development

Nonprofit Management System

iOS Development

NuCare - Nuclear Medicine Informational App